Friday, August 15, 2008

Hurt!: Page 1, Comic Book Script

Now we start on the comic book!

HURT! Issue 1

PAGE ONE: (3 panels)

Panel 1. Long shot of Cape Town, from a vantage point somewhere in the middle of table bay centered around Table Mountain. It is a clear night and the starry sky is dotted with fireworks.

CAPTION/RICHARD HURT: "Beautiful sky tonight..."

Panel 2. Much closer in now, focusing on the exterior of a mansion. There's a party going on in the garden. Tables decked with food surround a bunch of mingling well dressed guests. A good time is being had by all.

CAPTION/RICHARD HURT: "If anyone asked I'd say 'I've had a wonderful day..."

Panel 3. Repeat of Panel 2, but the party is interrupted by a vaguely human shape dropping from the sky at high speed and crashing right into one of the food tables. Looks of surprise dominate the faces of the stunned guests who turn to look at the commotion.

CAPTION/RICHARD HURT: "'... but this day wasn't it.'"

Page 1:
Pencils (coming soon)

Page 2:
Script (coming soon)

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